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Introduction to the CD32-Emulator
The CD32-Emulator is a seperate part of the CacheCDFS
package. If you have at least Kickstart 3.0 and if you have
installed the CD32-Emulator with the Installation utility, you will find
a drawer named "CD32" on your harddrive.
The CD32-Emulator tries to emulate all of the special system
resources that can be found in an Amiga-CD32 game console.
This includes the emulation of the battery backed up RAM for
storing Highscores and the setting of the preferred user language.
Embedded in the CD32-Emulator is a system degrader which will
disable features of your Amiga - like processor caches or fast
memory - to make your machine more "CD32" like, as some badly
programmed games need this. You can control this "degration"
easily from the CD32-Emulator's preference window and save
your preferred settings.
Great effort has been taken to make the CD32-Emulator as
compatible as possible, but the usual restrictions that can be
found with any kind of emulation apply:
We cannot guarantee that all games that work on an Amiga CD32
game console will work with the CD32-Emulator!
The Amiga CD32 has an in-built CDTV emulation. The CD32-
Emulator has NOT!
CDTV titles WILL NOT WORK with the CD32-Emulator, even if they
work with the Amiga CD32 console!
Emulating a PAL/NTSC console
On a PAL Amiga, the CD32-Emulator will emulate a PAL CD32, on
an NTSC Amiga the CD32-Emulator will emulate an NTSC CD32.
You may change the PAL/NTSC state of your Amiga from the
Kickstart Boot Menu. This will change the type of the CD32
emulated (PAL/NTSC), too.
Installing the CD32-Emulator
The CD32-Emulator may be used immediately from your
harddrive. But it is very unlikely that many games will run correctly
if you try this.
The preferred method is to create a dedicated "CD32-Emulator
Boot Disk" and start the emulation from this disk. The "Make CD32
Floppy" utility will create such a disk for you.
Another utility is the "Make HD Startup" utility. It will create a new
Startup-Sequence on your harddisk, that allows you to boot
directly into CD32-Emulation, if you press a function key during
startup. Your originial startup-sequence will be renamed to
"Startup-Sequence.std" and will be executed if you boot without
pressing the dedicated function key. This method is faster than
booting from floppy, but it is advised that only experienced users
try this option. Your original startup-sequence will be changed
and there is a slight possibility that this may cause problems!
Important Note: The CacheCDFS must already be installed and
the CD-Rom drive you wish to use MUST be mounted! The cache
settings should be set to its default values and SAVEd before
starting the "Make CD32 Floppy" utility!
Double-click the "Make CD32 Floppy" icon and insert an empty
disk into your internal drive (DF0:). The disk doesn't need to be
already formatted as the program allows you to format the disk if
you wish. All data on this disk will be erased!
After the installation is completed you should wait a few seconds
for all disk activity to finish. Now you may reboot your Amiga and
your machine will boot from the created CD32-Emulation disk and
the CD32-Emulator preferences window will appear.
Using the CD32-Emulator
The CD32-Emulator window offers you some detailed control
possibilites of the emulation's behavior.
Two gadgets exist to activate CD32 emulation: Boot and Initialize.
Boot will set up the emulation and will immediately start any
Games CD that is inserted in your CD-Rom drive CD0:
Important Note: Clicking Boot is a one-way-ticket! Once the boot
process from a Games CD has been started, there is no way to
resume normal Amiga operations. The only way to back out is to
reset your machine! This is important to know if you have started
the CD32-Emulator from your harddrive!
Initialize will NOT start the Games CD, but will initialize all of the
emulation modules embedded in the CD32-Emulator. Its purpose
is for games that can be started from Workbench.
Important Note:
To get the most fun out of CD32 games, a CD32 game controller is
recommended. Please note that the originial Commodore
controller may not work correctly with an A1200! The Competition
PRO SuperCD32 controller works with the A1200. Both controllers
work with the A4000.
Setting the CD32-Emulator preferences
Enabling NoFastMem will disable all Fast Memory in your Amiga.
You should only enable this switch, if the game you want to play
requires this. If the graphic and/or sound of a game is corrupted,
try this option.
This will disable the instruction cache of the processor. This option
should rarely be neccessary. If you encounter that a game is
running too fast, you should try this option.
This will disable the data cache of the processor. If you encounter
that a game is running too fast, you should try this option.
This option is only neccessary if you started the game from
Workbench. Some games don't work at all if this option isn't
This will disable the attenuation control of the CD32-Emulator. If
the digital audio produced by a game CD cannot be heard or
the game "hangs", try enabling this flag.
Emulate Controller
If this is enabled, the CD32 Game Controller will be emulated with
the keyboard. You shouldn't select this, if you have a CD32 Game
Controller connected to your Amiga. You may connect a one or
two button joystick and use the keyboard to access the
additional keys. Emulation keys are:
Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 on numeric Keypad and cursor keys:
Joypad direction.
[ and / on numeric keypad: Reverse.
] and * on numeric keypad: Forward.
F1 and F6: Green button.
F2 and F7: Yellow button.
F3, F8 ,SPACE , ENTER and 0 on numeric keypad: Red button.
F4, F9 and DEL on numeric keypad: Blue button.
F5 and F10: Play/Pause button.
Note: It is possible that some games do not work if controller
emulation is enabled!
Use 68040.library
Most games will not work if Commodores 68040.library is used. But
if it is possible to use this library, system performance will be greatly
increased. This only applies to machines with 68040 processors, of
Load Workbench
Some games will probably not run correctly if there is no
Workbench process running. We know only of the game "Morph"
which requires this flag to be selected. Usually you should leave
this off.
DOS Device
Here you define the CDRom drive, where the CD32 emulation
should happen.
Blocks Buffer
The CD32-Emulator has a built in prefetch cache. Here you can
set the size of this cache (1 Block equals 2048 Bytes). The optimum
value differs depending on your configuration (Amiga model,
hostadapter, CD-Rom drive). You have to experiment to find a
good value. The rule is: Keep the value as small as possible, but
big enough, that off-the-disk-animations run smoothly. For
TandemCD/CD1200 the optimum value is 4, most SCSI drives work
best with a value of 2.
Delay p. Block
If you specify a value other than zero, a delay will be added
between reading different sectors
This is important, if you have a CD-Rom drive, which is faster than
the original CD32.
If you have a single or double speed drive, leave this value to
zero. If you have a faster (triple, - quad speed) drive, you should
enter a value between 50 and 100 here. You must experiment for
best results, as the correct timing will be affected by your system
Max Volume
Here you can specify the maximum level the CD sound should
have during gameplay.
Here you can select your preferred language for multi-language
Project - Save Settings
This allows you to save your CD32-Emulator prefences. The settings
are stored as ToolTypes in the program's icon file.
Project - About
Tells you about the version and copyright of the CD32-Emulator.
Project - Quit
Will leave the program.
Game Store - Select Path
Some CD32 games allow you to save highscores or other data in
the battery backed up RAM of the Amiga CD32 game console for
later retrival.
The CD32-Emulator allows you to save this data to a dedicated
place either on floppy disk or your harddisk.
If you select this menu item, a standard ASL requester will appear.
Choose the directory where you want the CD32-Emulator to save
the data. Every Game saving data will get its own drawer. You
may easily manipulate (copy, delete, etc) files in these drawers
from the Workbench.
Remember: After adjusting your preferred settings, you should
select Save Settings.
You should ONLY degarde your system, if the game you want to
play refuses to run otherwise. Most of the games run fine without
Some Example settings:
Microcosm, Pirates Gold, D-Generation, Sleepwalker, Clou and
Frontier - Elite II:
All off.
Pinball Fantasies, James Pond II - Robocod:
All off, but NoVolumeControl might be required on some
All off, but the intro sequence will probably run too fast.
For the correct speed of the intro sequence you should select
Oscar, Dangerous Streets:
VBR0 (only if started from Workbench on 68040 machines)
Load Workbench
Running the CD32-Emulator in the Background
You may specify the ToolTypes NoWinInst or NoWinBoot in the
CD32-Emulator's icon file.
NoWinInst will immediately install the CD32-Emulator's modules
without openening its preferences window.
If you wish to have the CD32 Emulation present all the time, you
may specify NoWinInst and place the CD32-Emulator in your
SYS:WBStartUp drawer.
NoWinBoot is very similar, but it will immediately try to boot from
any disc present in CD0:.
Questions & Answers - Troubleshooting
Q: The AmigaCD32 only has 2 MegaByte chip memory. Why do
some games only work on my Amiga 1200 if I add 32-bit-wide fast
A: CacheCDFS and the CD32-Emulator are loaded from disk.. This
will use the memory a game probably needs. If an Amiga1200
doesn't have fast memory, the CD32-Emulator will be loaded in
chip memory. As chip memory is slower than fast memory the
speed of the emulation will probably be to slow for some games.
Q: A game doesn't run on a plain A1200, but it works if I add fast
memory. But I have to select NoFastMem in the emulator's
preference window! Isn't that weird?
A: No, it isn't. The trick behind NoFastMem of the CD32-Emulator is,
that CacheCDFS and the CD32-Emulator are loaded and
initialized BEFORE the fast memory will be disabled.
This leaves all the chip memory for the game to run.
Q: I have a NEC-SCSI-CD-Rom drive. It works fine with CacheCDFS.
But the CD32-Emulator doesn't work correctly. Why?
A.: CacheCDFS works with any kind of CD-Rom drive, because it
only needs to access plain data. The CD32-Emulator needs to
access Audio playback functions and other more sophisticated
stuff. The SCSI-2 standard defines the methods how this should be
done and the CD32-Emulator uses SCSI-2 commands to talk to the
drive. Only drives conforming to SCSI-2 will work correctly with the
CD32-Emulator. Unfortunately most of the NEC drives do not
comply to SCSI-2 and therefore won't work, sorry.
Q: What drives do work with the CD32-Emulator?
A: All SCSI-2 drives will work, e.g. Toshiba, Sony and Apple drives.
To get full functionality, they should be "Double Speed".
Q: May I use another filesystem with the CD32-Emulator?
A: Please don't. The results are unpredictable.
Q: Why didn't you add CDTV Emulation?
A: Some CDTV Titles don't run with other processors than the
68000. Most CDTV Titles don't work with Kickstart 2.0 or better. A lot
of CDTV titles don't work properly if the AA/AGA chipset is
enabled. The Amiga CD32 has built-in "compatibility hacks", that
make even those titles run on the console. Without these hacks
only a few titles would work, and this is simply not worth the effort.